This pile of shit is covering the Tripoli Softail Frame. You can barely make out the Fatbob tank mount on top of the frame and the wishbone legs disappearing behind those boxes of crap.
I told you this wasn't going to be pretty. Chug some JD it makes it less painful, trust me. If your a total gluten for punishment you can click the pix for a bigger view, only if you keel over it's your own fault, fuck ya. OK onward to pix number two.
Can ya believe it? What biker would do such a thing? Oh fuck wait, err um it was me. There's half the cases (wipe's a tear from his eye) it's a big box and guess what the whole engine is in there. (sigh)
I know, I'm ashamed. (Can't speak) Next picture please!
This is hard. (Very emotional.) (Chugs more JD) I just wish the X wife was here so I could slap her this was her fault. Anyhow (takes a deep breath) in this photo you will observe the lower tank mount just above the wishbones, the tank (both halves) unceremoniously strewn below, you can also see the front rubber mount for the engine peaking from beneath one tank half, the $750 shocks are still attached to the swing arm and Tripoli frame, the shifter side of my Jay brake forward controls is also still mounted to the frame.
(takes another glug) How can things get so wrong? I have to be brave for the sake of this project. I must get through these pictures. Remember this frame is a bolt on for the early Evo Sporty engine and also introduces rubber mounts for engine isolation which were only available on the big twins at the time.
The frame and tanks will look like new once they are sand/bead blasted and thoroughly cleaned. All parts of the Tripoli frame will be removed and cleaned then re-installed before being posted for sale, the tanks are not for sale.
Do you see it? Another example of my shameful behavior, the Wide Glide, stuck in the corner like some unwanted child. Covered in cheap plastic to hold the springs etc in the tubes. (Can you believe it? This front end was nicely buttoned up and sealed for moving by me when i came down from Canada. The movers disassembled the front end for what I have no idea and then couldn't put it back together so they taped it up and shipped it like this?) I was fuckin pissed needless to say.
Anyway, I haven't rebuilt this yet either needs seals and who knows what I have to finish ripping them apart and reassembling the front end before I sell it. The lower legs are shaved and chromed, it has a wide glide conversion kit by Custom Chrome. It will be minus the brake ass'y, rotor, headlight ass'y, risers and handle bars. But it will be a rolling wide glide for sporty for sale eventually.
Really, nothing some TLC won't fix. The Tripoli frame was well made, I'll have to give Tripoli a kudos for that.
Well there ya have it my confession of sorts of years of mechanical abuse to this Sporty. I'm ashamed, but I will make amends and transform this box dinner into a Fantastic Bobber Swan. Now folks don't forget to subscribe to the page before you leave and tell your friends about it as well. And we're not above taking cash donations either my PAYPAL is over on the right side bar of the blog. And cheers if ya do, just email me yer name and later when I get a few folks I will post yer name proudly on my blog.
See you soon...err as soon as I can clear a working spot or build a workbench for this Garage I'm in currently.
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